Friday, May 22, 2009

Mexican Junior's Olympic Games

Adolfo Orozco reporting yesterday from Hermosillo Sonora in the first day of competitions make us aware that Cimarron Diego Yepez obtained a Silver Medal in the Superior Juniors Road Race. According to Adolfo the race "Estuvo de Pelos" that means excited and full of action.
Congratulations to Diego!
And thanks to Adolfo for the report.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Upcoming Participation for this Weekend

Cimarrones will participate this Sunday, May 24, 2009 at the Barry Wolf GP in Woodland Hills, CA
Here is the link for the official flyer:

Cimarrones possible roster for the race will be the following: Edgar Yepez, Rafael Valenzuela, Mauro Martinez, Jorge Yepez, Javier Urias.

For next day race in Long Beach on May 25th (Memorial Day) we are not planing to attend as a team. Some of the racers have to work on that day..

Nacho Rodriguez is leaving for Sinaloa, Mexico in preparation for "La Vuelta a Mazatlan" a 6 day event from June 1 to 6.
Noe Camacho is racing this weekend in Durango, Mexico and also in preparation for "La Vuelta a Mazatlan"

We are looking forward to see our Cimarrones friends and fans at this event.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cimarrones Cycling have a New Web Site

We are proud to present to our members, fans, racers, and sponsors our new web site:

We will be fixing along the way some details and make this web site the best.

We encourage you to visit and make suggestions for improvement.

Orgullosamente Cimarrones Cycling presenta a los miembros, corredores y patrocinadores nuestro nuevo sitio web:

En el transcurso del camino vamos ir arreglando pequenos detalles y llenado algunos elementos y vamos a hacer de este sito web el mejor.

Te invitamos a que lo visites y hagas sugerencias para mejorarlo.

Update On Events this Weekend

I got reports from Diego Yepez from Guadalajara. He and Carlos competed in "El Circuito Guadalajara" today.
Diego obtained 3rd Place at the end of the Elite competition.
Carlos suffered a fall due to the fact that was raining during the race. Carlos and bicy are fine.

It is confirmed that Rafa Valenzuela got 7th place at Hermosillo Sonora on Saturday. In the same race Nacho scored 5th place.

There are some pictures provided by Diego from the race in Guadalajara.
Check our web site.

Edgar Yepez raced at the Midseason Crit in Ontario California today in the afternoon. He was able to sprint and got a 7th place.

Congratualations to Edgar!

Resultados para Cimarrones Cycling este fin de Semana:
Diego nos reporta desde Guadalajara que obtuvo el 3er lugar en la competencia Elite. Nos reporta que Carlos sustuvo una caida ya que habia lluvia, pero que corredor y bicicleta se encuentran bien.
Ya hay fotografias del evento en nuestro sitio web gracias a la Mama de Diego.

Esta confirmado que Rafa y Nacho obtuvieron buenas posiciones en el circuito que se realizo en Hermosillo Sonora el dia de ayer.
Nacho 5to. y Rafa 7mo. en la categoria Elite.

Edgar Yepez participa en el circuito  Midseason en Ontario California y obtiene el 7mo. lugar en el sprint final.

Felicidades a todos los Cimarrones por sus logros!!

No Team Participation this Weekend

Yes, our Team is taking a break for this May 16, 17, 2009 as Team participation.

However we have Edgar and Jorge Yepez taking part in Ontario CA at the Midseason CRIT.
Diego Yepez and possible Carlos are taking part of a CRIT (Circuito) in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Diego will update me with results later today or tomorrow.

Nacho Rodriguez and Rafa Valenzuela made a trip to Hermosillo Sonora and participated in a CRIT in that City. According with reports Nacho took 5th, and Rafa 7th place.

Noe Camacho also is participating in Guadalajara, in a CRIT.

We go back to Team participation next Sunday May 24, at Barry Wolf Gran Prix in Woodland Hills, CA. and next day at Long Beach Criterium.

Cimarrones toma un descanso como equipo este fin de semana (Mayo 16, 17, 2009)

Sinembargo Edgar y Jorge Yepez participaran este dia el Circuito de Midseason en Ontario, California. Les deseamos buena suerte y estaremos pendientes de los resultados.

Diego y posiblemente Carlos Yepez participaran en un Circuito en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco. Al parecer Noe Camacho estara participando tambien el dia de hoy. Diego nos informara de los resultdos mas tarde este dia o manana.

Nacho Rodriguez and Rafa Valanzuela viajaron a Hermosillo, Sonora y tomaron parte en un Circuito en esa ciudad el dia de ayer. Los resultados fueron Nacho 5 y Rafa 7 lugar.

Regresamos a participar como equip la proxima semana Domingo Mayo 24 a el circuito Barry Wolf Gran Prix in Woodland Hills, CA y el proximo dia en el circuito de Long Beach.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cristian Lopez to Mexican Olympics Games

Our Junior Racer Cristian "La Cachora" Lopez also will represent Baja California State at the National Olympic Games in Hermosillo Sonora. 
Games that will take place the last two weeks of May,2009.
We hope for great results for Cristian.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Diego to Mexican Olympics Games

Yesterday in the morning we left Diego Yepez at Mexicali International Airport.
He departed to his hometown Guadalajara, Jalisco in order to get ready for the Games that will take place the last 2 weeks of May in Hermosillo Sonora.
He is leaving on Sunday Guadalajara together with the other cyclists representing Jalisco State in this event.
Good Luck to Diego!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cimarrones Complete Team and Supporters Mex-San Felipe 2009

This is Cimarrones Cycling Team that participated in this classic.
We would like to thanks Javier Urias and his brother Omar for that outstanding support during the race. They provided our races with all the necessary to make this race for the team a success.
Thanks to Rafa Valenzuela's wife for her support. To Cindy and to Omar kids.
To Javier's wife; Mirian for her hospitality and food at her home after the race.

Estos son los participantes de Cimarrones Cycling en esta clasica. Estan tambien todas aquellas personas que fueron parte del equipo de apoyo.
Cimarron Javier Urias y su hermano Omar por su exelente abasteciemiento durante la carrera. Gracias a ellos la carrera para nuestro equipo fue un exito.
La esposa de Rafita tambien nos apoyo en todo el camino. Cindy que manejo la panel del equipo mientras preparabamos las frutas, el agua y las bebidas hidratantes. A Omar y sus hijos. A Mirian Urias por su hospitalidad y la comida que nos esperaba en su casa.
Muchas Gracias a Todos!!!!!!

Final Podium Mexicali-San Felipe 2009

Cimarrones Cycling 1st and 2nd at Mexicali-San Felipe 2009.
Congratulations to Diego and Nacho.

Nacho's kiss!

Is this kiss in the ????

what you think "Cachete o boca?

Felicidades a todos los Cimarrones que participaron en esta carrera.

Pero Nacho es el Idolo de esta Carrera

Nacho dice: "El que rie al ultimo rie mejor"

Y usted que opina??

Ah se me olvida mostrar el beso de Nacho...

The Podium Kiss

Asi quien no trata de Ganar una carrera?
Felicidades Diego?
y que es lo que mira el organizador?

"Nacho" Second place at Mexicali-San Felipe 2009

"Nacho" conquista para Cimarrones Cycling Team el segundo lugar en esta clasica ciclista. Nacho tambien gana la meta volante establecida en el kilometro 100. En hora buena Nacho!!!

Pero donde estan las muchachas para Nacho????

Nacho took second place in this hard race. Congratulation to Nacho. 
Where are the ladies for Nacho?????

The Winner of Mexicali-San Felipe 2009

Cimarron Diego Yepez is received by two beautiful ladies at the finish line in San Felipe, Mexico.
After finishing 160 Kilometers it is comfortable to have some friends to hug you!!!

What do you think?

El ganador de la clasica ciclista Mexicali-San Felipe 2009 es recivido en la linea de llega por dos hermosas senoritas.
Despues de recorrer 160 kilometros bajo el ardo sol es confortable que te reciban con un abrazo tu amigas!!!

Y usted que opina?
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

San Luis Rey

Mauro Martinez is the only Cimarron that survived this Road Race.
Here he is in with the Peloton.
Congratulations to Mauro, he made with this performance Cimarrones Cycling shine in this race.
Unfortunately Diego have a vehicle break on his way to the race. He did not made it at all to the race. Next San Luis Rey for Diego.
We still waiting for the officials results to see Mauro position, we believe he scored in the first 30 places.
Here is a link for officials race results, you can check it later:

Mauro Martines el unico Cimarron que sobrevive esta carrera. Aqui esta rodando con el grupo principal.
Felicidades a Mauro que con su desempeno en esta carrera hace brillar los colores de Cimarrones.
Desafortunadamente Diego tuvo un percance al descomponerse el vehiculo que lo transportaba a la carrera. Carrera de prestigio e ideal para las condiciones que muestra Diego. Esparamos se le de la oportunidad el proximo San Luis Rey.
Todavia estamos en espera de los resultados oficiales. Ustedes pueden revisarlos al siguiente enlace

Barrio Logan Results and Picture

In the picture Diego and Mauro in the final sprint. Here are the results from this race:Diego Yepez-11th, Mauro Martinez-18th, Rafa Valenzuela- 33th, Edgar Yepez-43th
All the team worked together and they looked great at the race.
Well, "Nacho" took a hit when he fell in the last curve before the final sprint. He and his bicycle are fine. We hope Nacho have a promptly recovery.

En la foto Diego y Mauro agarran el 11 y 18 lugar en el cierre final. Los demas resultados son: Rafa Valenzuela en 33 y Edgar Yepez en 43.
El equipo trabajo muy bien en conjunto y siempre hubo un Cimarron al frente en el grupo.
Nacho se engolzina en la ultima curva antes del cierre y le tuvimos que cantar la cancion del grupo Queen "Otro Muerde el Polvo". Afortunadamente corredor y bici estan bien. Nacho recuperandose de la magullada y raspones.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Web Site for Cimarrones Cycling

Les comentamos que esparamos para este fin de semana tener funcionando el sitio web de Cimarrones Cycling.

Web site for Cimarrones Cycling is under construction and we are hoping that will be up and running by the end of this week.

Barrio Logan GP and San Luis Rey

Buena presencia y resultados obtovo Cimarrones este pasado fin de semana.
Me encuentro esperando los resultados oficiales de la ruta San Luis Rey.
Cuando sean subidos al sitio web de la USA Cycling les ponemos unas fotos.
Le damos la bienvenida a Cimarrones Cycling a una de las promesas juveniles: Cristian Lopez. Miembro de la selecion de ciclismo de Baja California y participando en el campeonato juvenil de California; Cristian es uno de los valores juveniles que nos propones apoyar.

Cimarrones Cycling one more time shows its colors at this past weekend competitions. We are waiting for the official results out of San Luis Rey RR. Once results are posting by USA Cycling we will post some pictures of these events.
We welcome Cristian Lopez as par of Cimarrones Cycling. Cristian is a junior talent, currently he is a member of Baja California State Cycling team and participating in the juniors state Championships series of California