Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mauro took 8th Place CAT 2 at Dana Point

In CAT 2 at Dana point Cimarrones presented a good team with Noe Camacho, Cesar "Nacho" Rodriguez and Mauro Martinez. Mauro took 8th place in the final sprint and was impede by the crash for a better position. He managed to avoid the pile up.
Congratulations to Mauro!!!

"Nacho" Rodriguez de Regreso en Los Entarimados

Felicidades a Nacho por su retorno a los circuitos del Sur de California. Mucha suerte tuvo en esta carrera (CAT 2) cuando se vio envuelto en un accidente en el cierre final, afortunadament no le paso nada ni el ni a la bici.
Este fin de semana participara en el circuito del Barrio Logan y el siguiente dia en la ruta de San Luis Rey.

"Nacho" is back for one month then he will leave for competition in Mexico "Vuelta a Mazatlan".
He was involved in a final sprint crash but nothing happens to him and his bike.

Here you can see him in acction a few laps before the end of the race.

Javier Urias after his Fall

Luckily Javier was able to stand and walk back to Cimarrones camp. Our good friends and Cimarrones fans were there to help.
Dr. said that clavicle is broken but Javier did not need surgery. He will be back racing in 3 weeks and we are expecting that him be ready for State Master Championships next month on June 6.
Get well Javier.

A lot Family Support after the Race DANA POINT

Diego getting special attention from her auntie and niece after finishing PRO-1 Dana Point GP.

Thank you for your support Family Gamez-Yepez.

Tamales at Dana Point after the Race

Gracias a Javier su esposa e hijo por los tamales despues de la carrera.

Ademas le presto a Diego los ZIPP 404. Diego puso un execelente desempeno durante la carrra.

Al final Diego le dio a Cimarrones el puesto numero 24. Cabe mencionar que Diego durante toda la carrera estuvo ubicado en los primero 20 correrodores del grupo.

Aqui les va la foto de Javier, los sobrinos y Diego.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

After PRO-1 At Dana Point

After the race in PRO-1 our Cimarrones looked like this:
As you can see Javier sustained a broken collar bone when he fell in one of the curves. According to his doctor he will be ready to go in 3 weeks. He did not need surgery. I believe by the end of the month or for the Master State championships he will be back.

Cimarrones also was cheer by several fans. I would like to take this opportunity to thanks all the people that supported us during this event. Thank you to Javier Mora's wife for those Tamales after the race. Mil gracias Senora!
Rogelio Mora provided the liquids for this event. thank you for keep us hydrated.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Luto por Nuestros Companero Ciclistas

Ayer por la tarde cuando se encontraban entrenando en carretera abierta sufrieron un accidente fatal nuestro queridos companeros ciclistas de Mexicali Cesar (AKA Festita), Claudia, y la personal que los escoltaba, Pancho. Los tres perecieron cuando un trailer los envistio.

Nos unimos al dolor que embarga a los familiares y amigos y elevamos nuestras plegarias al creador para que los fortalezca en estos momentos.

Les presento una fotografia de mis archivos que le tome a Festita en La Tradicional Adolfo Orozco 2007, para rendirle tributo.
Cimarrones Cycling lamenta este tragico suceso.

Descansen en Paz!
Yesterday in the afternoon while training on the freeway in Mexicali, Mexico 3 cyclists from Mexicali and known to us were killed by a tractor trailer.
Cesar (AKA Festita) 17, Diana Claudia 29, and Pancho 51, (person in the scort vehicle) lost their lives at the scene.
We pray for their souls and families and ask our God and Creator Jesus Christ to comfort them during this time of pain and sorrow.
I am posting a picture that was taken back in 2007 of Festita participating in a race.
Cimarrones Cycling honors Festita and the other 2 cyclists and are deeply sad for the incident.
Rest in Peace!

Great Performance at Santa Clarita PRO 1-2

Cimarron Diego Yepes sprint for 4th place at this CRIT.
Cimarrones Cycling is writing its name quick in South California and Arizona.
Congratulations to Mauro, Edgar, Camacho, Rafa, y Nacho que estuvieron haciendo presencia en esta justa!
Diego llega en el cierre de la Categoria PRO 1-2 en cuarto lugar.
Cimarrones Cycling escribe con pasos agigantados y firmes el nombre en las competencias ciclistas en el sur de California y Arizona.
Felicidades a los demas participantes en esta carrera!

Santa Clarita Women 3-4

Maricela y Gina obtienen primero y decimo lugar en esta competencia.
Les deseamos suerte ya que las dos parten a Mexico a competir en las olimpiadas nacionales representando sus estados.
Esperamos tenerlas de regreso antes de final de temporada.
Aqui vemos a las dos en accion.
Maricela and Gina took first and ten place in this race in their CAT.
We wish them good luck since they will depart to Mexico and participate in some competitions there. We are hoping to have them back before the end of the season.

Santa Clarita, California. CAT 35+1,2,3 April 19, 2009

Javier Urias finish this race and put a great performance.

Noe Camacho, Rafa Valenzuela, y Urias made Cimarrones Colors shine in this race when they were the only team that put a real fight against Turlow Rogers team.


En la CAT 35+ Cimarrones Rafa, Camacho y Javier hicieron brillar los colores de equipo al ser protagonistas y poner una buena pelea al equipo de Rogers.

Pear Blossom CA RR April 18/2009

Cimarron Diego Yepez sharing the road with former Tour de France winner Floy Landis.

Diego took 13th. place by the end of the race.

Cimarrones cycling continued to stamp its name in the elite CAT in USA.


Diego al frente del Peloton con el ex ganador del Tour de Francia Floy Landis. Al final Diego toma el 13 lugar en esta carrera.

Cimarrones continua pisando fuerte en la categoria elite de los Estados Unidos de Norte America.

En hora buena para todos los Cimarrones por un excelente fin de Semana.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Rafa Valenzuela in Action!

Rafa close a gap after Chepe and Justin from Rock Racing tried to break away from the peloton.

Cimarrones in Action at the PRO 1-2 race!

La Barra Brava!

Cimarrones' team se siente muy orgulloso de nuestros amigos en el area de Los Angeles y en especial de Rogelio Mora y su familia. Por su apoyo muchas gracias!
Team Cimarrones is very proud and thankful to our friends from LA area; specially to Rogelio Mora and his family. Thank you for your support!

Felicidades a Rafa Valenzuela

Rafa crossed the finish line in 16th after CAT Pro 1-2 race was done. Diego took 24th and Noe Camacho 37.
The whole team (for this race 4) were in the game; showing the team colors all the time.
Rafita Valenzuela cruza la linea en lugar 16. En la fotografia se puede ver un poco atras de Rock Racing and National Champion Justin.
Rafa al igual que los demas miembros del equipo en la PRO 1-2 propusieron una muy buena carrera.
En buena hora Cimarrones!

Javier's Debut in USA

Cimarron Javier Urias debuta en los circuitos del sur de California.
En una fotografia pone atencion a las instruccion del juez principal y en la otra gana el primer lugar en el cierre en la CAT 35+4/5
La proxima carrera corre en CAT 35+1,2 y en Elite.
Felicidades por el triunfo!
New Cimarron member Javier Urias scored first place at the Ontario GP.
In one of the Pic is the second from the left on the other pic is the one winning the race.
Congrats to him and next race on 35+1,2 and elite. He also will be wearing the team uniform.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

El equipo que compitio en la PRO 1-2 en el Circuito 
Eastern Sunday Gran Prix. Veterano Rafa Valenzuela se cuela en 16 lugar.
Una vez mas los demas integrantes del equipo pusieron los colores del uniforme en alto.
Le damos la bienvenida al corredor Javier Urias que acepta el reto de la competencia a primer nivel. En buena hora y estamos para apoyarle en lo que podamos.
El enlace a los resultados oficiales:
Picture of the Cimarrones team that participated at The Easter Sunday Grand Prix in Ontario, CA
Rafa Valenzuela took the best position for the team, he finished in the final sprint in 16th place
Diego Yepez took 24th.
One more time Cimarrones team members showed the Cimarrones' colors with pride and honor.
We welcome our new racer Javier Urias, he accepted the challenge of competition at elite level. We are here to support you in your quest. 
Officials Results Link:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rogelio, Javier y Familia Mora: Gracias por apoyo a Cimarrones!

Cimarrones quiere reconocer y agradecer el apoyo de la familia Mora en nuestras ultimas carreras en el area de Los Angeles.

Para Rogelio Mora y su linda familia muchas gracias por el apoyo que nos brindan.

En la foto pueden ver a estos dos bohemios del ciclismo: Rogelio y Javier Mora en el campamento de Cimarrones en Ontario este pasado fin de semana.

Si nos llegan uniformes esta semana ya para la proxima Rogelio y Javier corren como Cimarrones!!! o ustedes que piensan?


Cimarrones Cycling wants to publicly recognize the Mora's family for their support to our team in the last couple of weeks that we were competing in the LA area.

To Rogelio, Javier and their families thank you very much!!!

At the picture you can see Javier y Rogelio, after their "Bohemios Race" in CAT 30+4/5.

If we get our new uniforms this week, it looks like for next week Rogelio and Javier will race with Cimarrones colors or what you think?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

DH#2 Maricela and Gina final Sprint

Maricela 1st and Gina 3rd.
Good Job!

Maters 30+1,2,3 Final Sprint

Edgar and Carlos in the final sprint for Masters 30+1,2,3
Edgar obtainied 8th place.

D. Hill #2 Masters 30+1,2,3

Edgar, Camacho, Carlos y Rafa.

Resultados Long Beach GP and DH #2

Un Circuito duro y peligroso fue al que se enfrentaron los miembros masculinos del equipo " A" de Cimarrones.
 Las caidas estuvieron a la orden del dia; un peloton que comenzo con mas de 100 corredores termino con la mitad y un poco mas.
Para buena fortuna ninguno de Los Cimarrones sostuvo caida. y me di por satisfecho que todos terminaron la carrera.

El mejor Cimarron colocado al final fue Carlos Yepez en el lugar 40. En hora buena ya que los 10,000.00 USD de premios entre los primero 20 atrajeron la participacion the la crema y nata del ciclismo en California.

En DH#2, nuestro equipo participa en la carrera de Masters 30+1,2,3 y en la PRO 1-2 dejando una vez mas la estampa de Cimarrones en la competencia.
Nuestras corredoras hicieron el 1-3 en W3-4 repitiendo el resultado de la primera competencia.
En la carrera Masters obtuvimos el 8,14 y 19 lugares con Edgar, Rafa y Carlos. Cabe mencionar que el capitan Camacho puso los colores de la camisa en repetidas ocaciones al frente en diferentes ataques y fugas.

En CAT Pro 1-2 Camacho se coloca en le lugar 11 siendo parte de un grupo que escapo pera ya casi en la linea fueron alcanzados. Los otros resultados estan pendientes ya que Rafa y Mauro se colocaron en los primero 30 de un grupo de como 85 correrdores.
En hora buena para todos los Cimarrones del equipo A.

Cimarrones Cycling Team A (males) faced a hard and dangerous course at the Long Beach GP this past April 4. Falls and accidents happened everywhere in the race; a field group that initiated with more than 100 riders finished with a little more than half.

Thanks God no one from Cimarrones Team sustained a fall or accident; I was happy with the fact that all our racers finished.

The best Cimarron placed at the end was Carlos Yepez in 40th place. Congratulations to Carlos because the field was saturated with “The Cream of The Cream” of California racers and 10,000.00 USD in prices to the first 20 places was enough motivation to compete hard.

Diego was a protagonizer in this race when he intended with other two racers close the gap to the group of 8 that eventually escape.

Next day in Dominguez Hill#2 our team participates in 3 races. W3-4 Maricela took 1st place and Gina 3rd in the final sprint. In Master 30+1, 2, 3 we obtained 8th, 14th, and 19th place with Edgar, Rafael y Carlos.

Our team captain Noe Camacho putted a show at the front in different attacks and escapes. Good publicity for our sponsors.

In Cat Pro 1-2 Camacho get 11th place in the final sprint. He was part of a group that escaped but where caught by the Peloton about 100 meters from the finish line. The rest of the results from this race are pending; we managed to put Rafael y Mauro in the first 30 places.

Congratulation to all Cimarrones Team!

Welcome and Invitation

Invitation to all Cimarrones Cycling Members to be part of our Blog.
Pictures and Results coming soon!
Una inivitacion a todos los miembros de Cimarrones Cycling para que se unan al Blog del Club.
Fotografias, resultados y comentarions muy pronto!